Every recipe is described with Ingredients and Step by Step Methods so easy to cook Gujarati Recipe at home serve taste full Gujrati Thali to your loved once. To cook Gujarati recipe doesn’t have to be complicated and here with Gujrati Thali Free Apps helps to prepare mouth watering Gujarati Foods, with handy ingredients.
Quantities and integrated numbers are slightly rounded up or down.
supported Gujarati font in our app if your device doesn't support Gujarati and user can search recipe(English & Gujarati).
We offer Gujarati Recipes in Gujarati language because we feel that you can learn new recipes & dishes only in the language that you speak at home.
In our app, feature -
+ More than 300+ Gujarati recipes are there in our application.
+ All recipes are categorized in various 15+ categories.
+ No need of Internet connection
+ Purely Gujarati Application
+ Gujarati Recipes in Gujarati language
+ Indian Food Recipes in Gujarati
+ Fast Food Recipes in Gujarati
+ Punjabi Recipes in Gujarati
+ Chinese Recipes in Gujarati
+ South Indian Recipes in Gujarati, and many more...
User Can Share his Favourite Recipes.
Gujarati Recipe is Totally Free App for your Daily Use.
Please Share and Rate if you Like It.
Gujarati Recipes (Vangi, Swad) is an extra-ordinary app for cooking lovers. Gujarati Recipes contains all famous Indian Cooking Recipes.
Gujarati Recipes application is provided in Gujarati language for those people who are not able to read in English.
All recipes are meaningfully categorized for easy to find required recipe and use application appropriately.
Key Features:
- More than 300+ Gujarati recipes are there in our application.
- All recipes are categorized in various 12+ categories.
- No need of Internet connection
- Purely Gujarati Application
- Share recipes on Facebook with your friends.
Using this app you can easily carry recipe book in your pocket and you can easily read recipes of your favorite dishes anywhere anytime.
We will provide our next update as soon as possible with more new Gujarati Recipes, more new features and more Sharing Options.
Also give us your reviews and suggestions about Gujarati Recipes that means a lot to us. We will keep in mind your suggestions when we will give our next update.